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[STORY] FATED TO DIE (Episode 05)



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Episode 05.


My name is Isabella Bradson and i get whatever i set my heart at. Being the only daughter, my parents and brother spoilt me silly with all the good things of life, i lacked absolutely nothing. Right from a young age, I understood the principle of life; depending on where you place yourself, you are either to be served or you do the serving yourself.

Coming to Dreamlanders High school wasn’t really my choice, parents wanted me close so I had to oblige, and of course that earned me an extra advantage of always getting my demands met.

I always hated Mellisa’s stupid guts right from when I saw her in Dreamlanders High School. For goodness sakes, she’s not even deserving of being in the same school with me, not to talk of being in the same class. I offered this good for nothing an opportunity to worship me like the princess I am just like Red, but the fool refused my offer and even humiliated me by the rejection, I forever hated her.

I have not really seen him in person but his picture is all over my room and my phone. I have had a crazy crush on him since like forever, he’s my dream boyfriend and the main reason I wished to school in California because I knew he was there, but I couldn’t, I was stuck in New York.

Luck finally shone on me when I got news that he was being transfered to Dreamlanders high school, I was elated; I just couldn’t wait.

And there he was; THE GUY OF MY DREAMS. He was even more cuter in person, than in the pictures. I couldn’t wait to start dating him, I was his kind of girl after all, pretty, smart and rich.

But there was something off about him, his gaze was on something, or rather someone; MELLISA. Anger boiled inside of me, my hatred for her doubled. Why on earth would a cute guy like Jason, stare so intensely at Mellisa? What’s going on here? Did I miss something?

At this point, I knew the battle line has been drawn, I had to do everything within my power to get Jason, he’s mine and only mine.

Watching her run out of the class with tears in her eyes brought joy to my heart.

“I just started with you, Mel. We shall see who gets Jason”


Mabel spent the whole day with Jason, making sure he was fine and fully rested before leaving New York in the evening.

“Baby!” Mrs Smith called out, the moment she stepped into the house

“Good evening ma’am”
“Welcome ma’am”

The maids chorused, as she nods and walks past them.

“Where is Mary?” She asked from the staircase

“She’s in the kitchen ma’am, making dinner” one of the maids responded

“Go tell her to set the table”

“Alrite ma’am” she responded, scurrying away

“And my son?”

“In his room ma” another maid replied

Mrs Smith found her way upstairs to Jason’s room, knocked lightly before stepping in.

“Good evening mum”

“Good evening baby. How are you feeling?” She said sitting besides him on the bed

“Am fine mum. Sis Mabel even came to see me, so I wasn’t bored at all” a wide grin on his face

“Yeah, she told me” she smiled back at him

“What about dad?”

“Dad had to travel honey”

Jason sighed deeply, as his mum roughed his hair playfully, trying to nudge him out of his mood.

“Come, let’s go eat”

“Am coming mum”

“Now baby” she said pulling his hands lovingly and playfully

“Am not a baby mum” he protested but allowed his mum pull him along.

Together, they headed downstairs to have their dinner, as Mary already dished out the food. They ate, watched TV, before retiring for the night.

The night was already deep and quiet as every living creature was asleep.

It was misty and cloudy, trees were waving to the rhythm of the wind, the sound of rushing water was heard, the birds were singing whilst others were flying away from branches and onto the branches.

A young girl was running and laughing, she looked happy as her face radiated happiness.

“You won’t catch me” she yelled whilst running, still laughing

“Got you!” A manly voice said

He had pulled her roughly by the waist, causing her to crash into his chest, her hair falling all over her face. Her laughter was even more louder this time around, as his grip on her became firmer but gentler, gently caressing her hair, removing the strands of hair from her face. She hit his chest playfully, smiling into his face.

“You cheated” she said

“I always find you” he replied with a smirk

“My heart will always be yours” she said, a naughty smile appearing on her lips.

He smiled back, their lips interlocking as the mist became stronger and thicker…


Jason jerked out of his sleep, looking over at the semi lit room.

“This is different” he whispered to himself

“Mellisa’s face has been a constant thing but was that guy me? Why would I be kissing Mel in my dream?” He genuinely looked confused.

He laid back on his bed, switching the lights back on, scared of falling asleep again, praying for the break of day so he could see Nnana.


Morning soon came, as the early morning sun shone brightly on mother earth.

A light knock was heard on Jason’s door, as Mary walked in. She gently nudged at the sleeping Jason, who yawningly replied.

“Good morning young master”

“Good morning. Oh! My goodness! School” He said jumping out from bed

“There’s no school for you today dear” Mrs Smith who just entered the room, spoke

“You need to be fully rested dear before going back to school”

“Alright mum”

“I’ll see you in the evening honey” she said kissing his forehead and cheeks “Mary, here is going to attend to all of your needs, whatever you are craving, she’s going to provide okay”

Jason nodded a reply as Mrs Smith left the room.

“If you need anything, just call on me” Mary said before walking out as well

Jason dashed into the shower, took his bath, got dressed, ready to leave the house. Rushing down the stairs, he quietly headed for the front door, not wanting anyone to see him leave.

“Going somewhere?” A voice said behind him

“Jesus! Are you trying to kill me or what?” He replied, his expression getting to normal

Mary smiled at him “You still haven’t answered my question young sir”

“Am going out, just want to breathe some fresh air”

“Without breakfast?”

“I am not hungry”

“Your mum won’t hear of that, you know right?”

“Who is going to tell her?” He replied with a smirk

“Is Will going with you?”

“I don’t need a driver because am taking my motorbike”

“Stay safe Jason and remember to call me”

“Of course aunt Mary”

“And eat too”

“I will” he replied closing the door gently behind him

Mary smiled to herself before going back to attend to her duties.

Getting on his motorbike, Jason drove away into the day.
After about thirty minutes of driving, he soon came to a stop at an old looking gift shop.

Pushing gently at the already creaking door, he made his way into the gift shop.

“Welcome sir” A young lady greeted with a smiling face.

“Good morning. Am here to see Nnana” he replied with a smiling face

“She’s at the back” she replied, pointing at the door behind him.

Jason nodded, making his way to the door. Pushing the door gently, he saw an old woman, with beads adorning her neck and wrists, seated in front of a table. A long, red, thick robe hung on her body. Cards were scattered on the small table, two candlestands, stood at the edge of the table, the smell of incense filled the air.

“Nnana” Jason’s voice came out but the old woman had her eyes closed, chanting some inaudible incantation.

“Nnana” he called again louder

“We don’t just happen” her voice came out for the first time since he entered the room, her eyes still closed.


“The universe is connected, everything comes from something and somethings are just meant to be” her eyes were opened now as she looked at Jason, a smile plastered on her pretty wrinkled face.

To Be Continued…. . . .

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