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Episode 18.

Lora had been restless for the past three weeks , Macaulay refused to eat her food , he would spend late nights with Micheal and Lara at the bar . He always came back home very drunk .
“Macaulay you’ve not eaten my food for over three weeks , you don’t care that I am sad and depressed? Macaulay I thought you loved me ?”

Lora said with hot tears pouring from her eyes .
“You barren childless human ! Who told you I married you to cook for me ? I could get one million maids before I married . Ushie has been cooking for me since I was a boy, because of love for you I asked him to go back to my mother’s house . Your graveyard womb has refused to carry my babies , for five years I’ve been stucked with you, and you’re keeping a secret from me ? ”
He was drunk , Macaulay had never been the drinking type , his voice was sounding like a thunderbolt. Lora had just seen the other part of Macaulay.

“Bidemi I’m in trouble I don’t know who told Macaulay of my past he’s now pinning it on me that we don’t have children.”
Lora cried on the phone , Bidemi was speechless, she had warned Lora against letting her husband hang out with her sister who was her arch rival.

“Lora I don’t know what to say to you , I just blame you for whatever is happening, how can you allow your husband to go for lunch dates with your husband? Which you know she hates you passionately? What do you think would be the topic of their discussion? Lara wouldn’t mind telling him your dirty secrets to make sure your relationship crash . I kept warning you .”

Lora kept on weeping rain and storm on the phone , Bidemi’s words of consolation was landing on a tortoise shell, Lora was deeply hurt .

“Bidemi you think Lara could sell me out? She’s my sister , can she hate me that much ? ”
Bidemi couldn’t stop the tears from flowing.

Lora invited Lara over for lunch .
She came with an Uber . Lora had the Chief Iyabo to make a plate of egusi soup and semovita. The twins ate and drank some fruit juice .
“Lara have I been bad a sister to you ? ”
Lara smiled .
“Where is this question coming from Lora? Because it’s a preamble to more questions to come , please don’t try to be wise on me .”
Lora knew her to be cocky.
“What have I ever done to you , that you would tell Macaulay about my past life ? And my secrets?”
Lara’s heart beat for a bit , wondering how Macaulay could tell Lora she had told him, but as a lawyer , she was going to defend herself .
“I couldn’t have said anything to him, our relationship is strictly professional, I’m not petty to be discussing you over lunch.”
Lora took a gulp of water .
“Lara I want you to stop seeing my husband, I made a mistake for letting you return to my husband’s office .”
Lara laughed menacing.
“Is Macaulay a child ? If he asks me out for lunch I can’t refuse him. And asking me if you’ve been a bad sister? Do you remember how you wouldn’t help me in WEAC hall ? You got an A I got a C you kept on trying to show the world that you were the most intelligent one z living me in the shadows , but Lora I can’t stoop so low as telling your secrets to Macaulay…”
She took a sip from her glass of juice .
“But you can’t stop me from taking lunch with your dear husband , tell him to stop seeing me .”
She got up and left the house . Lora was sat at the dinning table crying a river of tears .

Lara was in her apartment , thinking of a way to get into Lora’s house.
She went out and got a kerosene, with which she doused her kitchen with,and turned on the gas on the gas cooker , she had sprayed the kerosene out of the kitchen , she lighted a lighter and ignited fire that ran like Hussain Bolt toward the gas at the kitchen , she ran to her room upstairs, the fire met the gas from the gas cooker and made a loud thunderous explosion , the sound was like that of bomb explosion , Lara waited for the fire to spread in into her parlour , she started screaming fire . Neighbours rushed to help her break down the door , because she couldn’t find where she had dumped her key , they broke the door and got Lara out , the fire had spread to other apartments, Lara had a burn on her right hand, from the wrist to the elbow . The fire men struggled to put the fire out the raging inferno dragoned over the house , eating logs like paper , red nails flew like fighter jet. Fire men kept fighting the fire .
“Hello Lora there’s a fire in my house ! I barely escaped with my life! Please can you come and pick me up I’m stranded!”
Lora got into her Range Rover SUV and drove towards Lara’s estate , she could she the fire mushroom into the sky , it was bright yellow , with a bellowing smoke overhead.
She saw police vehicles rushing to the scene . Lora saw Lara covered in a blanket , the police took her statement how the fire had started, she told them she was upstairs when she had a massive explosion in her kitchen and the fire spread fast like a the morning rising sun .
Lora checked Lara for burns, and rushed her to emergency ward of Federal teaching hospital, for a treatment, she hands were seriously burnt .
“Lara what happened? How did the fire start ? ”
Lara got mad at Lora.
“Why are you asking me such questions can’t you see that I am in pains?”
Lora let her be , the doctors came and were cleaning Lara’s burns . She was treated and they drove home . Macaulay had slept off in a separate room . When he woke up the next morning he was surprised to see Lara in the house .
“Lora please come over here!”
He called Lara into their room .
“Lara must leave this house ! She cannot stay!”
Macaulay said Lara could hear his voice from the kitchen.
“Am sorry baby that I didn’t wake you up, there was a massive fire at Lara’s apartment, it burnt down the whole blocks of buildings, she barely made it out alive, I just want her to be here for some days until she gets another place.”
Macaulay vehemently refused , he asked that Lara left the house before he came back from work .
He told Lora to get her a place in a hotel that he would pay the cost .
Macaulay was living for work when Lara blocked him .
“Why do you hate me so much Macaulay? What have I ever done than Loving you to warrant this hate ?”
Lara asked .
“Lara you’re mischievous, your hate for your sister can make you do anything, you put me on age with your half revelation, I’ve been having issues with Lora, but even without the child I still love her , you can never take her place, you can never have my heart .”
Macaulay was about living when Lara called him back .
“If I tell you the secret would you let me stay ?”
Macaulay thought about it .
“Maybe , maybe not.”
Lara smiled cynically as Macaulay drove out of the compound, she was smiling so much , Lora asked her why , she told , she didn’t know why , but she was just happy.

Macaulay’s heart was at home like a child in school whose mum promised to prepare their favourite meal . He left the office by five PM before he got home Lora had left for the hospital, to meet up her six PM resumption time .

When he got home , Lara had asked Iyabo to go to the boys quarters for the night , she served Macaulay’s breakfast dinner herself , after he had eaten , she brought a bottle of Scotch spirit gin .

“You’ll need this afterwards I’ll tell you .”
Macaulay’s heart was beating very fast like school marching drum beat.
“You see Lora was a wayward girl back in the university, she was covetous, she wanted a life our mother couldn’t afford , so she joined girls on campus , to be a runs girl, she was constantly aborting babies , she would get pregnant three times a year, and about it .”
Macaulay took a gulp of a glass of dry gin.
“The last pregnancy she had lost when she was in coma. She got pregnant for Okechukwu.”

Macaulay was speechless and angry , so that was the secret Lora had kept from him, how could she keep such secret , if she loved him , how could she know she was the reason Behind their childlessness and she couldn’t tell him . Lara embraced the crying man , and covered his face with her breast at the dinning table
She kissed him , Macaulay kissed back , there was no shame , there on the dinning table Lara had her way , what she had dreamt about, from the first day she had met him .

For the first time in their five years of marriage Lora was surprised to see Macaulay at home on a working day , he was drunk to stupor , she tried to get him up to the bedroom , he pushed her away .

“You wombless , prostitute take your disgusting hands off me, you tricked me into marrying you, after you had aborted all the children in your womb!”
Lora was shocked to the bone.
“How could Macaulay know that, if Lara had not told him?”
Macaulay stumbled on his way upstairs .
“I curse the day I married you Lora, I thought you were virtuous, I should have gone for… Take your hands off me ! You sneaky lying sloth.”
He stumbled on his feet to his room .
“Lara! Lara!! Where are you?”
Lara walked gently in a catwalk to Lora.
“Why are you screaming so loud sister?”
Lora was vibrating in anger .
“Lara what did you tell Macaulay?”
She feigned being surprised.
“Me ? What would I have told him? It isn’t in my place to say anything to him.”
Lora knew she was lying between her white devilish teeth.
“You told Macaulay about my past life , Lara I keep trying to love you, you keep hurting me in return, Lara what’s my sin against you ?”

Lara stood without emotions on her face , her eyes dark like a cave’s mouth .
“Well he kept pressing me , I had to tell him, you had five years to tell him but you choosed not to , it’s not my fault, blame yourself.”
Lora got mad with rage.
“Lora go up pack your luggages and get out of my house!”
Lora screamed possessed with rage
“I’m not going anywhere Lora, I’ve come to stay.”
Lora got a weird shock of her life .
“What do you mean Lara? That you’re not going anywhere, I don’t understand?”
Lara smiled at Lora.
“Ask your husband Macaulay behind you.”
Macaulay had dragged himself back downstairs when he heard the sounds of shouting.

“She’s not going anywhere! If anyone is leaving this house it is you, lying , unfaithful Judas.”
Lora was weakened, she was feeling nauseous, so she ran to the bathroom to puke and clean herself , she was feeling dizzy .
After she had taken fruit smoothies she had made , she regained her strength she placed a call to her mum .
“Hello mum my home is burning!”
Mrs Susan was surprised to hear Lora crying on the phone .
“Lora calm down and tell me what’s wrong with you?
Lora was still crying on the phone .
“Mum after the fire incidence at Lara’s place, I brought her home , before she could find another place , yesterday night while I was at work Lora told Macaulay all my dirty secrets , I asked her to let ,but Macaulay insisted she must stay .”

Mrs Susan was pissed at Lara.
“Baby you don’t have to ask your sister to go , you know we can choose our friends, but can’t choose our family, she’s your better half , don’t throw her on the street , let me call her and talk to her , let us give her a few days to find her own place .”
Mrs Susan called Susan up .
“Baby what’s wrong with you? How could you tell your sister’s husband things your sister didn’t want him to know ?”
Lara had her defence.
” Remember Macaulay is also my friend? I couldn’t continue to see him , wallow in pains, when we know the source of his problem?”
Mrs Susan scolded Lara .
“Lara my love you don’t have the right to tell your sister’s husband, go and apologize to her .”
Lara laughed on the phone
“Mum apologize to who ? I cannot apologize to Lora , she should be the one to apologize to me .”
Mrs Susan was confused .
“Apologize to you for what ? ”
Lara laughed on the phone .
“For stealing my man.”
Mrs Susan wondered if Lara had a heart in her body . She said she was never going to leave Macaulay’s house.
To Be Continued… . . .

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