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Episode 07.

Lara was lying in bed, while Bidemi brought in a hot cup of tea ,the steam bellowed into the roof of the building.
“Lora how long are you going to continue with this lifestyle of abortions? I’m beginning to think you love this lifestyle of glam and quick Money, this is your third abortion in three years, I shouldn’t be the one to tell you what this abortions can do to your body , eventually when you need babies , iphones good clothes and payment of school fees , buying of handouts isn’t all that there’s to life .”

Lora’s phone started ringing and it was her mum , she had been to Ibadan to see her and Lara, because Lora had refused to go home , since she got employed I the ministry of prostitution. Their discussion, didn’t have a headway, Lora had gone too far , for her mum to bring her back in, her girls came hunking their car horn outside of the house, to call for Lora , Mrs Susan had gone out to see the rowdy ladies , they were wearing gowns so short that one could bend down to see their g-strings, some were puffing cigarettes smoke into the air, why loud music was blaring in the background. Lora met this lady after some friendly pecks and embraces Lora had joined them and was driven away .
She saw the name Mrs Susan flashing on her phone screen, she would cut off the call, and she would keep calling .

“Mum what is it ? Please you’re tormenting me with your calls, please can you stop calling?”
Mrs Susan was pissed by her daughters arrogance.
“Lora do you realize you’re talking to your mum and not some small girl?”
Lora hissed loudly that her mum could hear.
“I don’t know why I still call you Mum, please I don’t want you to call me , giving birth to me doesn’t make you my mother, I you fail in your motherly responsibilities, you’re… I don’t know but not my mother.”
Those words stung the heart of Mrs Susan like a knife .
” Lora I called to talk to you oncd again about your lifestyle, how can you be wasting your life just to get money?”
Lora scuffed at her mother.

” My sweet mother I never planned to be an escort, but mum your biased love,your hatred for me pushed me into this. Remember the Techno and Samsung phones? Remember the brand new apple laptop you got for Lara? How much was it again? Five hundred thousand? What was the price of my Tokumbo Dell laptop? Sixty thousand, it started giving me issues first semester on campus. Mum what about feeding allowance, you give Lara hundred thousand naira a month for our upkeep and expenses, but mum can you deceive yourself that Lara used the money to benefit us equally? I starved in this house, you would shut me up whenever I complained.”
Mrs Susan was crazy mad.
” Where is Desmond? What has he ever done for you, since you were born, I cloth you, I feed you…”
Lora didn’t want to hear anymore of her mother’s nagging .
” Mrs Susan I don’t need you! I don’t need Mr Desmond , the both of you should live your lives and let me live mine.”
Mrs Susan was exploding with anger.
” Lora you dare not talk to me in that way, you ungrateful brat.”
Lora got furious too , they shouted on each other on the phone.
” what is it ? I told you not to call my phone! You cannot straighten Me now, no one straightens a hard iron , when it’s gotten cold ! Mum see I don’t need your money , focus your money on Lara, she’s your perfect replica don’t try to control my life, you abandoned me for three years, I had to fend for myself feeed myself! Pay my departmental levies, mummy please stop the advice! I don’t want to take anything from you, I don’t to hear from you, I never wanted this life for myself, since I was born I’ve had to fight to get your love, I studied harder I got the best grades in all my schools , nursery primary school , even when I got the best results amongst three hundred students who sat for WEAC in Gwarimpa, mum you never appreciated me , all what you did was to be biased you rewarded Lara with a Samsung phone and got me a Techno. Mum the Lora who was fighting for your love died the night you slapped me for not writing the mathematics exam for Lara, I realized you didn’t cared about me , you would never love me, even my exam paper was destroyed , it didn’t concern you, sll what you care about is Lara. Stop calling me to preach to me, for twenty two years, but you kept pushing me away , I found love in the arms of strange men, atleast they appreciate me for my body, I’ll continue this life, until I no longer need it ! ”

Lora shut the phone down and threw it on the bed , Bidemi was speechless, Lara came into the room .
” Lora inasmuch as I’ve been out of your business for three years now, you’re still my sister, I need to tell you , that you’ll destroy yourself if you continued on this road.”
Lora laughed hysterically at Lara.
” Oh Lara shut up you hypocrite! How many times did you have time to change mum’s opinion about me and you refused? Remember you refused to tell mum that I was raped by her boyfriend …. Because I fought him off you ,while he was trying to devour you? ” Lora laughed again.
” Did you care to tell mum that I stabbed on the arms and palms by Tega because of you ? I didnt have no business with Tega.” Lora was crying now .
” Did you ever told mum how you had insulted the cult boys on campus, and they were almost killing you , that I had to drop my pride and fought them like a mad maniac? You would be quiet and fake your good girl art , nobody can see through your heart , but I see you for who you’re Lara, you’re the most selfish person I’ve ever known. Please get out of my room, how many times did I sleep hungry in this house, because you locked the kitchen , I don’t need the kitchen , I don’t need your food, I don’t need your mother I don’t need her money, I’m independent, if you guys bring up this issue again I’ll move in with Sharon and the girls.”

Lara was scared of Lora moving out , she hurriedly left the room and walked away . Bidemi stayed the night with Lora, they went to Santander to have pizza and soft drinks.
” Hello good evening Lora, why are you avoiding me ? I’ve been pleading with you to give me an opportunity…”
Macaulay said.
” Macaulay I’ve told you I don’t want to be in a relationship now, I’m focused on my studies…”
Bidemi eyed her and rolled her eyes, saying in her mind ” no be only focused on studies”
“Lora I’ve never felt the way I feel with you, I do love you, I don’t want to just date you, I want you to be in my life forever, I was to marry you.”
Lora laughed heartily on the phone, she’s been rejecting proposals from many young men, because of her secrets, she tried out a few guys , it didn’t end well , the last relationship with Donald got broken when she realized that he was with her, because of her money, never minding how she got the money , when she told Donald she was pregnant for him, he asked her how she knew it was his , since she was sleeping around for money, she told him it’s Only with him she goes raw, but he abandoned her and she had to do her fourth abortion.

Mrs Susan Osuji sat in her office in Abuja, As she wept when she thought about her daughter Lora, she knew the girl was never a bad child, every wrong she did had an explanation. She had tried to love her kids equally , but that couldn’t be, because she had a hate for Desmond which she transferred to the daughter who reminds her of Desmond.
” Sister Sharon Good morning ma.”
Susan called her elder sister.
” Why is your voice sounding blurry and husky?”
She asked.
” Aunt it’s Lora , she’s gone weird she’s had four abortions.”
Mrs Sharon was pissed at her kid sister.
” Susan we lost our mother and father, while you were just a baby, I took you in with me, I raised you like my own child, when you first brought the Desmond guy I and Ochuku told you that he was a gold digger but you wouldn’t listen, you ran out with him to the filthy Karmo Ghetto, you got pregnant for him and he abandoned you. So in all this what’s Lora’s offense? I kept warning you to stop hurting your child but no you’ll never listen, now you pushed her away, into prostitution, runs girl, Lora no longer takes my calls maybe it’s as a result of shame, Susan go find a way to mend what you destroyed before it’s too late, your crocodile tears cannot change anything.”
She said and hung up.

Mrs Susan had grown to become a regional manager in the bank, but her daughter didn’t want anything to do with her, Or her money, Lora had managed to keep her grades up , but Professor Hedong was not pleased, he thought Lora was the student, to break the decades jinx of nobody in the collage of medicine getting first class in decades .
” Lora come in and sit down.”
Prof Hedong said.
“I’ve monitored your progress from your hundred level, you came with vigour, I thought you would top your class, but I don’t understand your slip, from best student to an average student. You have to sit up , or first-class will slip from you.”

Lora sat quietly as Prof Hedong’s eyes pierced into her soul .
“I don’t understand your friendship with Sharon, she’s having several carry-overs , she’s just into jumping and humping, she cannot be your friend, she’ll ruin you.”

When Lora left the professor’s office at the Senate building, she was on her way to the female hostels, when a tinted SUV stopped and Macaulay jumped down from the driver’s seat .
” Hello Lora you’ve been avoiding me, and rejecting my calls, please wait I’ve something to say to you Lora.”
Lora stopped and looked at Macaulay.
“What is it that you want to say Mac?”
Macaulay was happy whenever Lora called Him Mac, he felt he was finally getting to her .
” Lora for three years I have been begging for an opportunity to show you I love you, I’d never felt the way I feel for you for any girl. Lora am not here to joke with you . please give me a chance.”
Lora did liked Macaulay he was cute and adorable, but he was just too much trouble.
” You’re my twin sister’s best friend, her only friend, Lara had never been friends with anyone before, she’s madly in love with you.”
Macaulay wasn’t going to take that.
“I don’t love her, she’s just my friend, no romantic connection.”
Lora wasn’t convinced.
” Lara is my identical sister, she is much prettier than me, why would you not date her instead? I have had enough drama with her, I don’t want anymore trouble Witg her over you. So am sorry my answer is still no.”
Macaulay wasn’t going to give up .
” Can I please drop you off were you’re going?”
Lora obliged and Macaulay drove her to Bidemi’s lodge, she wasn’t at home, Macaulay had waited for her, he offered to drive her home.
Bidemi wasn’t home, so he drove her home. Lara was sitting outside, she was not happy to see Lora drop down from Macaulay’s car . She frowned as she walked up to the SUV and she had a long quarrel with Macaulay.
“You know I adore you Macaulay, how could you choose my sister over me? What does she have that I don’t? ”
Lara asked as tears shot down her eyes.
“For five years Mac! I’ve given you all the green light! You refused to make a move, I didn’t give my face to any guy because of you, even if you don’t want me why must you insist on my sister? You know she’s my rival! She’s Always won me in everything, why can’t I just win this once?”
Lara said as She wept. Macaulay sat still feeling guilty .
” Lara have I ever told you I loved you? I always saw you as a friend, we can’t be a couple, you’re beautiful, you’re charismatic, you’ll get a suitor.”
Lara wept the more .
“What if my heart doesn’t beat for another man ? Obafemi
Macaulay you’ve hurt me, Like no other one has.”
Lara got out his car and ran into the house. Lora was in the bathroom taking her shower.
“Lora please leave Macaulay for me! You know I love him, you’ve had many men , but I’ve not had one. Please don’t take Macaulay from me he’s all I’ve, I Know I’ve been a bad sister to you, but I love Mac! He’s not a competition I know if we got into one you’ll always win.”
Lora showered in silence , she let the water stream down her black her hair , down her neck , her thighs and her pot of gold, as though it could cleanse her sins away .
To Be Continued… . . . .

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