ANE Stories
Episode 05.
“How was the Exam?” Juli asked excitedly as she met with Muna and Mimi outside the hall. She had finished hers in time and came to wait for them in their hall.
“Mtcheeeeeew” Muna hissed angrily
“It was bad..terrible!”
Juli withdrew in shock. To her, there was nothing bad about the Exam. It was so simple to her..”What do u mean by that?”
“See, just leave me alone are the cause of all these. If only you didn’t postpone our reading schedule. I would have read. But your scattered all our plans with your stupid fellowship meeting..I hope you’re happy sha. The exam was bad for me!” Muna yelled angrily attracting few students around..
“But..” Juli wanted to talk but Muna cut her short
“Don’t justify your stupid self!” Turning to Mimi, she said “Girl let’s go” she started walking away.
Mimi followed suit while Juli stood there confused.
Chi wasn’t in the room when the got there. She had left for her own Exam.
Muna on the other hand felt terrible about her Exam..She knew she would fail woefully. She wrote nothing!
Mimi noticed the unrest in her face.
“Muna can you just get hold of yourself? Ahahn! Calm down..”
“Mimi you don’t understand.. Am sure going to get an F in this course. I practically wrote nothing! Don’t you understand?”
“Hian! How won’t I understand? Me too wrote nothing..but I said you should calm down. I have a solution..”
Muna rushed to seat beside her “What is it?”
“Give me 30minutes, I’ll be back okay?” Mimi said and hurriedly left leaving Muna wondering.
Just then, her phone rang. It was Obinna! Her heart leapt for Joy and she forgot her worries.
“Hi baby” she smiled putting the phone on her ear.
“I’m not good o..I’m missing you” He said
“Awwwwwn babe. I miss you too. But you know we’re in exam period”
“Meaning we can’t see cos it’s Exam period?” Obi said getting a bit angry
“No babe. That’s not what I mean..I mean that we should focus on our exams for now so that..”
The line went dead…Obinna hung up.
Muna was surprised.
She called and called but he refused picking up and soon, he’s line was switched off.
Muna paced around restless. She didn’t know what to do, whether to go over to his house or..?
But she had pending exam issues to settle. She even had a paper by 8am the next day!
She dropped her phone and searched for the handout POS101..She soon started reading but couldn’t concentrate coz of Obinna.
Knock! Knock!!
“Yes? Who’s there?” Muna asked loudly
“Its me..” Came Juli’s voice.
Muna hissed. “The door is open, come in if you like” and she bent her head over her handout feigning serious reading.
Juli came in..”Muna am sorry if I’m the reason you didn’t read for today’s Exam. It wasn’t intentional..I thought you’ll read without me since I told you already that I’d be unavailable.. I’m sorry”
“I’ve heard” Muna said nonchalantly still bent over the handout.
“ I have a paper by 10am tomorrow and am on my way to the Library to read. Would you mind joining me?”
“No. Thanks. I’d rather read here” Muna said still feigning reading.
“Are you still angry with me?”
“No. I’m fine..I just want to stay here and read. My paper is by 8am tomorrow”
“OK then. Take care” Juli said and left.
Muna hissed angrily. She blamed Juli still, for her woeful failure in this exam. If only she didn’t postpone their reading..she would have gone to school with her that night and wouldn’t follow Mimi and Chi to the party where she had met Obinna..she paused! Thank God for Juli’s disappointment she wouldn’t have met her heartthrob.. She smiled
But Obi was angry with her..what would she do now?
Mimi barged into the room “Hey”
Muna looked up “What’s up? Where did you go?”
“Hurry up! Dress up..we have a place to go..”
“Mimi. We have Exams tomorrow by 8am. We need to read”
“Hian! Ain’t you the one sulking over your poor performance in today’s exam? Let’s sort out that one first na! What’s your problem?” Mimi asked pissed off already.
Muna apologized and dressed up as they headed out. The boarded a cab and dropped at the junction where they took a bike to the front of a hotel.
“Mimi what are we doing in a hotel?” Muna asked confused as they were climbing the staircase to the hotel room after talking to the receptionist.
Mimi paused and looked at Muna “in there is Prof. Afolayan..”
“You mean GST 103 lecturer?” Muna asked wide eyed
“Exactly.! We wrote his exam today abi? But we both know we, my dear the only key to getting an A or at most a B in this cause is f***ing him well..”
“Like having sex with him?” Muna was shocked
“Why are u doing like it’s a big deal? No be the same f**k you dey f**k your boyfriend? What’s the difference? See if you’re not interested, me I am interested..” With this, Mimi walked into the room leaving Muna transfixed.
She was battling with different thoughts. How can she sleep with her lecturer for marks?
But then, how was she going to escape an F without doing this?
“All f**k na f**k, it doesn’t matter whom you do it with so long as you get what you want..” This thought popped in her head as she headed towards the hotel room.
To Be Continued….. . . .

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