ANE Stories

AGONY OF CHIOMA by Emperor Konami
Episode 65.
Two days later amaka called Jake and told him to come to the house later in the day because his queen wasn’t feeling fine…
Jake showed up immediately at 4pm…
“welcome jake”
“what’s wrong with chioma” he asked going to meet her where she was lying down… “my queen what’s wrong, is it because I haven’t come to see you for sometimes now??”
“not really, how are you doing”
“am fine, have you gone to the hospital for check ups??’”
“Jake leave her and come and sit down we have something very important to talk”
“very important??..ok no problem”
Amaka went to her mini fridge and brought out a packet of juice and glass cup to severe Jake…
“thanks but this is not necessary Now, I want to know what’s wrong with my queen… Wait wait is she pregnant??”
“Hahaha … No.. It’s more than pregnancy” Amaka said
“ok so what’s the problem??”
“(she sighed) chinedu is alive”
“chinedu?? Wait you mean Michael the church drummer”
“exactly, he didn’t die he was only imprisoned in Malaysia but now he is back and presently in lagos”
“what!!! Since when, are you sure you saw him”
“it’s over two or three months he came back”
“and no one told me??. That’s not fair beside I hope he is not pestering or disturbing my queen because I will skin him alive”
“hmm.. You queen made a mistake by going to see him when he came and I don’t know how it happened and they became friends”
“tell me you are joking chioma!!!! You still had the mind to go to chinedu at my back??”
“Jake easy let me explain”
“explain what… I don’t want to hear anything again, chioma how dare you I never knew you were this promiscuous. No what do you want to tell me you are pregnant for the bastard??”
“no no no.. Jake easy that’s far from it. I didn’t know what carried her to his house on a certain evening and he drugged her and took pictures of her unclad, now he threatened to send you the pics and post it on media and send it to the village people if she don’t come to sleep with him at the hotel in one week time. Why I called you here I know your queen has done something greatly wrong but Pls it’s the right time to help her by stopping chinedu”
“spear me that, which queen I reject to have a prostitute as a queen, so all this year’s I have been trying to win and satisfy a prostitute. Chioma you are a disgrace to womanhood, I hate you… Infact chinedu is free to post your nude pictures on the street I don’t care or you go and have sex with him which has been your regular way” Jake barked as tears formed in his eyes
“Jake it wasn’t my fault, I can explain, I was deceived and he drugged me”
“shut up… You were deceived look at your mouth, that’s how I will end up marrying you and my friends will deceive you into bed”
“Jake keep quiet!!!!!…. Shut up how dare you” chioma sister barked
“(crying) jake you called me a prostitute, God knows that you are the only man that has been in life but no problem I accept that.. What am only begging you for is if there is anyway you could help me from chinedu pls” she said on her kneels
“you are not a prostitute but he drugged and rape you and also took pictures of you What a cheap slut. I can’t help you, help yourself and mind you our relationship ends here don’t ever call me, come to my house or come around me again… It’s been a wasted year althrough” Jake said heading to the door
“honestly Jake I also taught you were sensible but you are just good for nothing… Anyway you have successfully broken up with her again, chioma give him back that necklace” amaka commanded
With tears chioma reluctantly removed the necklace from her neck and gave it to Jake. Jake went blank and felt unhappy as chioma stretched her hand giving Jake the necklace and crying…
“(holding back his tears) am not collecting that” he said and walked out of the house..
“chioma stand up it’s alright, we will find a way out but Pls stop this cry so you don’t get dehydrated”
“you see the reason why I want to die, am so so tired of the life”
“chioma stop saying that, everything will be fine he didn’t collect the necklace because the ranting was just for the moment… He knew how hard it was for him to get you back”
“damn damn .. I fucked up, I shouldn’t have gone that far” jake said hitting the steering of his vehicle. ..
“how do I help now, my brain is blank I really need to rest before thinking about this… But chioma broke my heart” he said igniting his engine.
Jake got home, took his bath and had his dinner before drifting into deep slumber. He woke up by 2am In the early hours of the day, dipped his legs into his footwear and went downstairs to the bar.
Jake wasn’t living in the same building with his parents again, he was now living in the newly constructed mini duplex at the back of the main house. The house was actually built for Jake and Cindy but Cindy is a woman and will soon marry so the house is partially for Jake.
He opened a bottle of red label and introduced it into a glass before drinking. Jake unlocked his phone, selected chioma’s number and dialed it….
Chioma couldn’t sleep, she was crying silently throughout the night to the extend that no tears was coming out again. Suddenly her phone started ringing, she look at the caller which was jake and her heart skipped… She slowly picked the call without saying anything…
“my queen…. Am sorry, I don’t mean to talk to you in that manner just that I was stressed up coupled with the bad news” Jake said while he could her sobs from the background. “are you still crying??? Pls stop crying, I don’t want anything to happen to you wipe your tears am sorry. I promise to help you out in less than three days but Pls stop crying I don’t like it, or do you want me to come”
“(sobbing) am ok”
“Pls stop crying I will end all this, I want you to send me chinedu’s house address and the hotel venue he gave you. And I want you to meet me at Konami specialist hospital by 4pm we need to talk”
” ok”
“it’s OK, I want you to sleep now have a good bed rest I will call you later.. Bye my queen” he said without getting any reply as the line went off….
“come in” “Ahh Jake how are you”
“am fine uncle”
“Hmmm to what do I owe this August visit of yours”
“Hahaha… Uncle Ben I really need you help urgently”
“how is my sister your mum, hope she is rosy”
“Ermm.. Yea Yea she is fine”
“so how may I help you”
“uncle Ben, I really want this to be between you and I. I know that your level in law will help solve my problems”
“Hmmm.. Ok state your problems”
“my wife to be really have a problem with her ex. We were actually dating before something happened and we broke up, not too long she started dating another guy. After few years the guy traveled to Malaysia and was sending lots of money and gift to her, on the long run we heard he was shot dead in Malaysia. I later reconciled with her four years ago and started our relationship again only for the guy to show up that he was alive. He kept pestering here and eventually drugged her, rape her and took nude pictures of her. He is now using that picture to threaten her that in four days time if she doesn’t show up at his hotel room he will broadcast the photo”
“hmm I see, you never told me you have someone you want to marry, it’s alright. You see Jake I would like to help you but am loaded with lots of case, over six important cases”
“uncle Ben, this is the first thing am asking you for Pls help me. You know if this guy succeeds in broadcasting the picture that girl’s imagine is spoilt and my parent will not accept such person”
“hmm In four days time,… Ok I will help you, the case is a very small one and of course I already know that I will win the case. The guy is 100% guilty”
“ahhh uncle thank you so much am very happy”
“I need the guys home address, office address and other addresses I can use to get him”
“ok OK.. This is his home address 4, Muyili street FESTAC and his special hotel room is room 104 eko hotel”
“good.. Write it down here, I will visit him by myself what’s his name and do you have his number ”
“you will visit him by yourself? Oh thank you very much. His name is mba Michael chinedu. Let me call my wife to be to send his number”
Jake called chioma and asked her to send chinedu’s number. Few minutes later chioma sent the number. He wrote down the number on the paper his uncle gave him..
Jake was really happy at the turn out of things, he knew his uncle will settle everything since he was well experienced.
At exactly 4pm chioma called Jake telling him that she was at the gate of konami specialist hospital.
“has it been long you came??” Jake asked approaching her
“not too long” chioma replied coldly
“you are not looking good what’s the problem again” Jake asked holding her
“nothing” she said still looking down
“why is your hair looking so unkempt and by the way where is your necklace”
“I.. I. I forgot it at home” she spoke out
“I have always told you to always put on the necklace. Take, my pin is **** withdraw any amount you need to make your hair, and your other personal things. I don’t like the way you are looking” he said giving chioma his ATM card
“thank you” she muttered
“I have spoken to my uncle who is known lawyer and he promised to deal with the case to our great favours. So cheer up and enjoy yourself everything will be fine and Pls stop putting your head down look at me”
“thank you very much, am really happy”
“you are welcome , are you going home now”
“I want to go to market”
“OK let me drop you off”
“(faint smile) don’t worry, I will find my way” she said walking away…
“my one and only queen, I love this girl” he muttered before going inside the hospital.
Ben lother has been waiting in the reception for over fifteen due to lots of questioning.
“Sir, Don mic is not expecting anybody of your kind”
“am tired of this embarrassment, do you know who am I is because I stooped too low to come here. Anyway whenever he comes out give this letter to him” Ben lother said giving the receptionist a white envelope before leaving with his guard.
About an hour more Don mic came down to the reception with his guys to flex by the pool side when the receptionist called for his attention..
“excuse me sir”
“hey may I help you???”
“the man who came to look for you earlier dropped a message for you”
“what god damn message is that??”
The receptionist gave Don mic the white envelope and quickly gave it to one of his guys…
“keep this shit”
“Don mic this could be an important message maybe From Malay”
“Malay?? Give me the letter” Don mic opened the letter which states
“Mr mba Michael chinedu, you have been charged to court for the raping, threatening and sexual abuse of miss obi chioma. You are expected to be seen in court on the 21st of August 2022. Call this number for further enquire Barr Ben lother”
“what the hell??? She sued me to court”
“boss what’s the problem??”
“na that stupid girl, she sued me to court take a look at this” he said giving the letter to one of his guys who quickly read the letter
“men!!! Ben lother…. Guy you are in a long thing ooo”
“what do you mean by that”
“the lawyer who wrote this is Ben lother, a well known lawyer in Nigeria. He doesn’t lose any of his case, he was the one who made the judge sentenced my own brother to 25 years in prison despite the huge amount of money we gave to our own lawyer. See that man is very influential”
“hey hey Tito shut up, shut up I don’t care who the lawyer is I will get my own lawyer… Beside I have to teach chioma a little lesson for this silly act of hers”
“boss cool down and listen for once, despite the letter you still want to teach her lesson. Pls tackle what’s on ground and forget that lesson, Ben lother no be small lawyer ooo I have heard many things about him so pls Mello down”
“Tito Abeg shut up, I will also get my influential lawyer who will win the case”
“which lawyer is more influential than Ben lother. Beside you are 101% guilty. Remember Nigeria don’t take sexual abuse case likely, Abeg Don mic naija prison no be Malay prison oooo think well”
“(sigh)great fuck up” chinedu muttered going back to his hotel room in anger
To be continued….

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