ANE Stories

Episode 10.
I confronted him when he came back from work. He didn’t say a word, he didn’t deny or accept. For two days I was strategising for my next plan of action. I didn’t tell anyone about my new discovery because of the shame. Aunty namesake was closer to me this time. She was afraid I may hurt myself. She will check on me like ten times a day. She counseled me and stood by me all through.
I told her I am tired of life generally and I will run away any time from now. She introduced me to a group for married couples known as Christians Couples Forum and gave me the founder’s number. Please call him, he’s a marriage counselor, he can help you, she begged me.
When I joined the group, the first thing I saw was a post about a lady going through similar challenge with me. I read all the comments advising her to leave the home temporarily. I knew this was God talking to me but where will I go to?
I was busy reading many other interesting posts on the group that caught my attention. I didn’t know time had gone. Suddenly Victor came in, where is my food? He asked. I didn’t reply him but I stood up and headed to the kitchen to make his food. He came after me, grabbed my backside and was trying to make love to me right in the kitchen. I resisted him.
This time I told myself he won’t have his way. How can you treat me this badly, impregnated a woman outside our wedlock, refused to talk about it and now you want to make love to me in the kitchen? As usual he was going to use force, I pushed him away and picked the kitchen knife to scare him away.
He was not afraid of the knife as he moved closer like he was going to snatch the knife from me. Don’t come close, I warned him. He turned a deaf ear to my warning and began to struggle to snatch the knife from me. I had a sharp cut on my arm, when I saw blood I was provoked and ready to do anything. I ensured I injured him with the knife too. When I saw blood from his body I remembered Maryam Sanda’s case. I let him have the knife. He took away the knife and beat me up mercilessly.
This is the time to leave, I told myself. I couldn’t leave that night because I had no money with me. I began to make calls to raise money for my leaving.
Then it done on me that being a full-time house wife is evil. I have been in prison of marriage yet I can’t quit because I have nothing to fall back to. I raised N10,000 from Aisha and aunty namesake and left for Ilesha. I took along all his original credentials and vital documents to punish him. I will burn all of them when I get to Ilesha, I vowed.
To Be Continued… . . .