ANE Stories

Episode 18.
The last few days have been the most amazing days of my life, I couldn’t be happier. So on Thursday after I opened my presents, Bishop asked me to pack a bag and get ready for an amazing time, I didn’t know what he had in mind but it knew it would be exciting so I did as he had told me- no questions asked.
We boarded a cruise ship and spent two days on it.
The cruise was most amazing experience of my life. Bishop and I drank, we ate, danced, attended a musical show and made lots of love. After everything he has done for me, I couldn’t hold back, I gave myself to him freely.
And Bishop didn’t disappoint. Our lovemaking was passionate and exciting. No man had ever made me feel like he did not even Zyair. And speaking of Zyair, I have really been avoiding him, he expcted me back home on Saturday and was unhappy that I extended my stay here for a few more days.
We are travelling back home tomorrow, the whole trip has been magical and I didn’t want it to end. Bishop promised to take me on another vacation soon to a different place. I am already excited for that.
I have taken so many beautiful photos over here and I have been sharing them on my different social media platforms. You should see how many likes and reactions I have gotten, so this is what i have been missing out on? Getting married young and without being financially stable is a scam, someone should have warned me.
“What’s on your mind?” Bishop asks.
I am snuggled up in his arms after our sexual escapade. “I am just thinking about the time we have spent here together.”
“Do you regret this?”
“No, this was totally worth it. I have no regrets.”
“And this is the will of God. You will be blessed far more than you can ever imagine as long as you continue to obey his will.”
“Amen,” I respond. “Do you think God wants me to divorce Zyair?”
“No, dvorce is forbidden by God, sinful, and unpardonable in God’s eyes.”
“What we are doing will strengthen your marriage, you will and your husband will be rich and have lots of children.”
“I recieve.”
“Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill His promises to her.”
“I believe every spoken word from God.”
He is about to reply when there’s a there’s is a knock at the door . “ Room service , ”says a voice on the other side of the door. Hi ohene ome on+233544142683 to read more of these story from, unlimited story platform, fresh stories kingdom, house of story room, sweet and nice story room.
“I will get it,” I get out of bed. Wrap a rope around me and walk to the door. “I will take it from here,” I tip the waiter and pull the cart with our food into the room before slamming it shut.
“I am starving,” Kingsely says sitting upright. “You’ve worn me out,” he says and I shly smile.
“Gary!” I lightly tap his shoulder.
“Yes,” he looks up.
We are in a hotel room, I have been lying on the bed playing candy crush on my phone while he is typing something on his laptop. He brought me here yesterday and we yet to leave in the evening. He told his wife he had to travel out for work.
“I think I am late.”
“You are late? School?”
“No dummy, I missed my period.”
“Again? Haven’t we been taking precautions?”
“Yes we have but you know sometimes mistakes are bound to happen.”
“Why do you allow yourself to continue falling pregnant for me? I mean this is the third time Sophia. You should be more careful.”
I laugh,” Should I pretend that I didn’t hear what you just said or you want me to react?”
“”You are supposed to be careful and you know that. You are still in school and….,”
“Just stop already. It’s not my fault that your pull out game is weak.”
“How much do you need to get rid of it?”
” And who said i want to get rid of it?”
“You have too.”
“Do you want us to do this right now?”
“Yes. Why?”
“For starters I am married and you are still in school, your father would kill you if he found out you got pregnant out of wedlock.”
“Is this when you have just realized that you are married?”
“No but..”
“Last time you said things were bad between you and your wife, where you just lying to me?”
“I wasn’t lying but me and her are trying to sort things out between us and …”
“You are lying right?”
“No I am not Sophia. Why are we even talking about my wife, we should be talking about the pregnancy.”
“I am keeping this baby, there’s nothing more to talk about. Why did you even bring me here if you know you and your wife were sorting out your differences? What is this pastor G? Are you just playing with me?”
“No I am not, I do love you a lot but marriage is complicated. You can’t just walk away from someone you have been with for years. ”
“I understand,” I respond. Tears running down my face. I can’t believe this man has been taking me for a ride and to think I was emotionally invested in him.
Getting out of bed, I pick my clothes and start getting dressed.
“Sophia,” he tries to touch me but I signal him to stay on his side. I don’t want him anywhere near me.
“I will not get rid of this pregnancy.”
“You know I am sorry and I didn’t want to hurt you.”
“It’s too late for that. You’ve already hurt me.”
When I am fully clothed, I grab my phone and text Ryan to pick me up. I didn’t come with my car Pastor G drove me here.
“Oh so now you are going to call other men to pick you up? How sure am I that this pregnancy is even mine.”
“Don’t insult me.”
“You tell me you are pregnant and yet you call another man to pick you up?”
“ You know what Gary, Fuck you ! ” I curse.
“ Fuck you , fuck your marriage and fuck your wife ! Yea , go on fuck your wife , because I don’t want you anymore.”
He walks towards me and I try to dodge him, but he lunges at me, grabbing me he pulls me to his body and wraps his arms around. I cry so hard for a couple of minutes.
“I am sorry,” he keeps saying.
When my phone finally vibrates indicating that Ryan is outside, I pull free from his grasp, “I don’t want to see you again,” I say.
“Just leave me alone,” I grab my bag and rush out of the hotel room to the car park. When I get into Ryan’s car, he shoots me a quizzical look, “what happened?”
“I don’t want to talk about it,” I wipe my face with my hand.
“Atleast tell me what you were doing here?”
“Ryan please not now.”
Sighing in frustration, he starts the car.
“You should take me to your place,” I whisper before I turn my head and stare out of the window.
To Be Continued… . . .

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