
Step By Step Guide On How To Write The Best Essay

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Essay writing is one of the most common ways to check a student’s ability to understand the world and speculate about it from different points of view. Sometimes, students get so overloaded with different writing assignments, so they are seeking ways to buy college essays to make sure they meet all the deadlines. However, the popularity of this kind of college assignment is increasing every year.

So, what is an essay?

An essay is a short piece of writing with a specific structure in which you express your point of view on a given topic.

To write a perfect and even the best essay among your peers you have to follow the special order of your actions. It’ll help you to get organized, inspired, and make a natural piece of writing.

Step by step guide on how to write the best essay

Step 1. You should be driving, on the subway, in the shower, or in bed just awakened from a deep sleep.

Step 2. That’s when a sudden idea will strike you.

Step 3. Immediately stop what you’re doing and write down the idea, record it on your smartphone, or email it to yourself.

Step 4. Later, when you are sitting at your computer or with a pen and paper, dig out your “nugget,” which you will now definitely not forget because of step 3. To make sure you get more inspired you can watch movies that motivate you to write before you start working on your essay.

Step 5. This “nugget” will be the superlative that you’ll put in your essay. You have to decide what it will be: the main starting point of the whole narrative, a keynote to which you need to add some backstory or an unexpected twist at the end of the event you are telling about.

Step 6. Start writing as you feel appropriate (or as you know how). For example, with the radio station on and roasted peanuts or other snacks next to your laptop.

Step 7. Get smaller ideas out of your super idea, do a little research, read up on the subject, dig around, see who else has written about it, and learn something new.

Step 8. Write until you’re done.

Step 9. Put what you have done aside. For anywhere from two minutes to two days. That is, take a break. 

Step 10. Reread your essay leisurely, with sense, with thought, with consideration. Now you have a better chance of finding any spelling or linguistic errors you may have made:

  • Analyze the content. Did you clearly state what you needed to explain to an unknown reader?
  • Double-check facts, spelling, and grammar.
  • Make sure that this is your style. The emotional component of the text, your turns of speech, whether there are no cliché phrases, platitudes, and parasitic words.

Step 11. You may recall a few important things you forgot to include, or find something that really shouldn’t be there. Ruthlessly remove from your essay anything you don’t like or are annoyed by.

Step 12. Glance over the text one more time and correct any last rough edges.

Step 13. Depending on your original purpose, now you either: 

  • Give your essay to the editor
  • Publish it on the Internet immediately 
  • File it in a binder and rush it to college
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