
Portable Omolalomi: Sudden Fame & Industry Vulnerability

Could Portable Omolalomi Had Done Better Instead of Calling Out Poco Lee?

Portable Omolalomi
Portable Omolalomi a.k.a. Dr Zeh


When it comes to fame, everyone is vulnerable. The only difference is the depth of the vulnerability we all possess. But the default button for everyone is “VULNERABLE”.

Portable calling out Poco Lee, to me, I’d say it’s an ecstasy of ‘unexpected’ fame coupled with ‘inexperience.’

When I mean everyone is vulnerable, every effing body is.

Thanks to Star Boy Entertainment management that performed some rebranding abracadabra on Wizkid. Before now, the Wizkid I know used to be all loud and uninhibited. The dude was a ranter.

Sometimes ago, I was in a tête-à-tête with a friend when I told him about the first time I saw Wizkid in person.

It was around 2009/10, while in secondary school, after he released Holla at Your Boy (with massive airplay from radio channels). Seems he came to visit one of his friends that stayed across the street. Heck, that dude was so loud.

Imagine the surprise on everybody’s face when they realized the same Olamide that said “he doesn’t give a eff about international recognition” started running projects for international connections. You could imagine the same Olamide that rants almost uncontrollably when on the microphone become suddenly cool.

Yeah, that’s how it works. It grows (or changes) with time…

There’s a pure difference between ‘industry maturity’ and ‘individual maturity’, although with slight connectedness between.

While individual maturity can begin at any moment of one’s life, even at the childhood stage. Industry maturity takes time and steady experience to cross the basic part of vulnerability. It’s why there’s a setup management to monitor your activities, both in expenditures, online and offline activities. Make you no go fuck up.

Do you know what it takes to wake up to unexpected fame? The surreality of the fact that your SM (social media) numbers magically increased with plenty of notifications, that alone can get you intoxicated to start misbehaving. Talk more of you now earning a big stage, et all…

No, I don’t blame the guy. Person wey I no even sure say he get manager (management). ‘cos initially, those are the basic works of a manager/management.

So yes, while he shoulders blame for handling the issue the way he did, I won’t blame him for improper handling of social media.

Please read in-between lines and understand two things I didn’t wanna introduce here; 1. That: maybe he [Portable] was on drugs while making the video. And, 2. He’s from a typical street.

Again, everybody is vulnerable to fame ecstasy. Just pray your own can be controllable at the minimal stage because if care isn’t taken, it can send automation to your unripened career.


Written by Okoro Daniel O.

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