

Music Video Directors Are Becoming Lazy Despite Advanced Technology?

Should we say music video directors these days aren’t creative enough or lacks proper orientation? Either way, big shout out to ’90s directors! Damn!, they are genius!

Amidst lower availability of resources and all, compared to nowadays’, these guys went miles out of their way to deliver creativity in their works. Sometimes I wonder if film making really earned much credibility those days to what we have here now.

Take for instance, “Agolo” (video) by Angelique Kidjo. You would hardly believe those pictures weren’t captured in 20s. I mean, it seems the director of the video did ‘time travel’ all the way to 2099 or something. No, I adore creativity when I see one.

Fast-forward to what we call music videos today, I must say most of them are watery, some – director would just draft a shitty storyline and roll the camera, boom! It’s done!, some are trying anyway!

As much as we have YouTube helping wacky creators to rack huge amount of reach/views by then making them feel they are creating something exceptional, we should also learn to consider what coming millennia would say of us when they come across our projects. Hey, don’t get me wrong, every creator is unique in his/her own way.
But I think we are not infusing enough creativity as it should.

If at the end a viewer would rather behold a 90s content over yours, then you need to reconsider if truly filmmaking is what you really want to do or still, start scouting another profession. It’s even more funnier these days how almost everyone wants to become a creator, mostly for the money!, while few, for the passion. Big credits to YouTube and other social media platforms though.

Also, I won’t disregard low availability of resources to young creators in this part of our world, while some can’t afford the cost of getting a good gear, of course, I understand. In fact, some creators despite the challenges are awesome!. However, be creative with your little resources. It’s what makes you outstanding!

I’d rather we spend a whole day taking thousands of cuts just to select one best to suit than take all the cuts in a brisk minute.

Again, big thumbs up to 90s creators. You guys rock!

Adios. ✌

Okoro Daniel O.

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