ANE STUDY: Top 10 New English Words To Learn This Weekend (Week 04)
Hey, what’s up guys! Welcome to another episode of “Learn New Words With ANE“. Today, (or this weekend) we shall be looking at some English words you can learn.
First of, before we proceed or jump into business. Why should you learn new words? Learning new words doesn’t only make you smart, it also makes you feel among. So don’t just learn it, know it, save it and digest it!. So whenever you come across them, you’d be able to decipher what they mean without looking into a dictionary, or surfing through Google for help. We good? Yeah? Great! Did you miss the recent class? Kindly check out here
Teacher/Writer: Okoro Daniel O
Time: Every Saturday (9am – GMT+1 – WAT)
NB: At the end of each word’s meaning, we added “making a statement” example. However, those example isn’t the limitation for usage of that particular word. There are thousands (if not millions) of sentences you can involve those words with/in. The examples were given for easy notation, so feel free to liberate the usage in your everyday conversations. Enjoy!.
New word list;
1. Pangolin
2. Prowess
3. Sleazy
4. Snivel
5. Incredulous
6. Menial
7. Parcel
8. Realtor
9. Genome
10. Gloat
Meaning/Breaking down;
1. Pangolin
Meaning; The scaly anteater; any of several long-tailed, scale-covered mammals of the order Pholidota of tropical Africa and Asia, the sole extant genus of which is Manis.
Making a statement;
During coronavirus outbreak, it was suggested by some individuals that the causal agent for the virus was PANGOLIN.
2. Prowess
Meaning; “Skillfulness and manual ability; adroitness or dexterity.” OR “Distinguished bravery or courage, especially in battle; heroism.”
Making a statement;
Cavalry is unknown, and the battles are mainly decided by the PROWESS of the chiefs.
3. Sleazy
Meaning; “Marked by low quality; inferior; inadequate.” OR “Dishonorable; base; vulgar; raunchy; sordid.”
Making a statement;
He sounded noble, not SLEAZY like the other night.
4. Snivel
Meaning; “To breathe heavily through the nose; to sniffle.” OR “To whine or complain, whilst crying.”
Making a statement;
During the final speech, Nnkechi SNIVELLED about her unhappy childhood.
5. Incredulous
Meaning; “Skeptical, disbelieving, or unable to believe.” OR “Expressing or indicative of incredulity.” OR “Difficult to believe; incredible.”
Making a statement;
Amaka’s story was INCREDULOUS!.
6. Menial
Meaning; “Of or relating to work normally performed by a servant.” OR “Of or relating to unskilled work.” OR “A servant, especially a domestic servant.” OR “A person who has a subservient nature.”
Making a statement;
Emeka’s hatred for idleness made him took over the MENIAL job.
7. Parcel
Meaning; “A package wrapped for shipment.” OR “A division of land bought and sold as a unit.”
Making a statement;
In Fast and Furious 7 movie, a PARCEL bomb was sent from Deckard Shaw to Toretto’s family.
8. Realtor
Meaning; A person or business that sells or leases out real estate, acting as an agent for the property owner.
Making a statement;
We all laughed when Bidemi said that; the only difference between doctor and REALTOR is “real” and “doc”, they both have TOR.
9. Genome
Meaning; The complete genetic information (either DNA or, in some viruses, RNA) of an organism.
Making a statement;
Fifty years later, the human GENOME was decoded.
10. Gloat
Meaning; Dwell on one’s own success or another’s misfortune with smugness or malignant pleasure.
Making a statement;
His enemies GLOATED over his death.
And this is where we shall be stopping for today’s new words hunt. Hope you’ve learnt something? See you guys next weekend! Meanwhile, if you’re interested in contributing to this series of “Learn New Words With ANE“, feel free to hook us up! Be safe! Adios!
References/Contributors; English Dictionary, Wordweb, Vocabulary, Wikipedia.

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