
4 Ways to Find Anybody Quickly Online

Global Search
Global Search (Credit: PIxabay)

The internet is something that most of us could not live without when it comes to finding the information that we need, and the good news is that it can be used to find much more than how-to-guides or the latest news. When you are trying to find somebody online, there are plenty of tools available to help you get information on almost any person in just a few minutes. There are more ways than ever before to track down an old friend, screen a potential date or employee, or even see what your ex has been up to. 


1. Google


The go-to first step for most people who are looking for somebody online is Google. While it’s not a fool-proof way of finding information and can be tricky if all you have to go by is a name, there’s no harm in firing out a quick Google search to see what comes up. At the least, you may be able to find some information listed about the person on their employer’s website or a link to one of their social media profiles. If you’re lucky they might have done something newsworthy and you could get more information about them from the news site. You can narrow down your results further by entering as much information as you can about the person into the search box. Google images can also be useful for helping you ensure you’re finding information on the right person.



2. Social Media

Social Media

Social networks have become the go-to tool for anybody looking to find a person online. With most of the world’s population now using sites like Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter and Instagram there’s a high chance that you are going to be able to find the person that you are looking for using one of these networks. However, they might not always be easy to find especially if they have a common name or have set their social media privacy settings quite high. One option that you might want to consider if you have their telephone number is to search for that rather than their name on Facebook. You could also reach out to local community social media groups to try and find other people who could connect you to them; this is a popular and useful way to find an old friend online.



3. People Search Services

People search services allow you to look up public details just about anybody, and can often include contact information like their home address and contact number. You only need a name to find information on somebody using Nuwber although it can help if you have any other information that could help to identify them and make sure that you’re getting information on the right person. The service can not only help you find contact details for people but also get more information on them such as whether or not they have a criminal record – which can be very useful for vetting a potential date or new employee.



4. Try Wink

Wink is a handy tool that allows you to search for various different social media and online networking sites at once, which is great for saving time when looking for somebody online. Simply enter their full name or screen name if you know it, along with anything else that you know about them like their location or even their interests, to help narrow down the results.


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